Ford will supply the first driverless cars with Lyft

29 Sep 2017 3233views Comments ?
Ford driverless cars with lyft

Ford company is going to develop driverless technologies together with Lyft in 2021. Mass equipment of Ford cars with the system by Lyft should be started in 2021. Until then, companies are planning to jointly develop software, through which Ford cars can work with the application of Lyft.

Initially, Ford cars will be included in Lyft network, but they will not be available to clients. Only Ford cars with the driver will be available to passengers to call. But after a while, the company hopes to provide Lyft system to thousands of driverless technologies to transport people.

Except for passenger cars, Ford works on autopilot vans and minibuses. Within five years, the producer will allocate about 1 billion dollars for Argo AI which is engaged in the development of an autopilot for Ford.

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