1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv

1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv gallery - #13 photos

1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv
1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv
1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv
1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv
1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv
1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv
1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv
1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv


Starting Price: ~ $101,000

  Ending Price: ~ $135,000

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1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv is one of the successful releases of Mercedes Benz. In the database of Masbukti, available 2 modifications which released in 1985: G Class, G Class Suv. The earliest available release of Mercedes Benz G Class in our website is 1979.

Average buyers rating of Mercedes Benz G Class for the model year 1985 is 4.0 out of 5.0 ( 1 vote).

At the release time, manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) for the basic version of 1985 Mercedes Benz G Class Suv is found to be ~ $101,000, while the most expensive one is ~ $135,000.

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