Bmw 650i
All Years and ModificationsThe phrase "Gran Turismo" evokes associations with aristocracy and elitism, tasteful chic living standards and luxury. With one glance at the sports coupe BMW 650i becomes clear that the vehicle meets the characteristic features of the brand "Gran Turismo" - a combination of reliability and comfort, luxury and quality.
A powerful car BMW 650i with the 4.8 liter engine is designed for fast driving on the highway and to overcome vast distances in minimal time. Rapidly moving from the spot, the car is able to get up to speed 100 km / h in just 5.5 seconds and reach a maximum speed on the highway up to 250 km / h. Modern security system allows you to experience a quiet confidence in the car, even if not the most favorable conditions of national roads.
Sportiness of 650i is not incompatible with comfort. Perhaps of all BMW coupes on this indicator is second only to the 7-series, which is natural. The passengers (and their growth at no more than average maybe four) always feel secure and calm, regardless of the speed: too much information suspension of their "fifth point" does not convey. Almost no banks, no buildup. BMW, like a glider, gliding over the surface of the highway.
Below the list of all 33 modifications of Bmw 650i and production years from 2005 to 2017. Discover and enjoy Bmw 650i image collections, news, wallpapers, MSRP, ratings on this huge database of cars and bikes - Masbukti. Average rating of all available versions of Bmw 650i is 4 out of 5.0.